

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What about the kids?

Well, my kids (ages 8 and 10) have started talking about my impending surgery at school.  I guess I should have known this would happen but still, I wasn't ready for it.

I'm real open with my life at church.  I tell it like it is and I share the truth about myself, what I am thinking and how I am feeling, all of the time.  Its not like some super Pastor Heather show, but it is real and I don't hold back.  I'm talking about my foot situation in Bible Study and from the pulpit and in conversations and here in this blog.

So . . . is it any wonder that my kids are doing the same thing?  "What are you worried about in your life?" some unsuspecting teacher or counselor might ask.  Only to be hit with "my mom is having her foot amputated in a few weeks."  Jaws drop.

Sorry teachers and counselors and such.  I guess I should have, could have, told you or warned you or given you a heads up.  But, I've kind of had my plate full.

Today I sent an email to teachers and counselors and principal saying Yes this is going on at our house and here is the time frame and lets cross our fingers that the kids don't act out in their grief.

Because let's be honest, this is shitty for them too.  Mom will be weird and grumpy and won't be able to do all the mom things like get us up and make our breakfast, lunch, and dinner and do our laundry and clean the house and change the sheets.  And it means these two kids will need to step up and help with chores like they did last year when mom had surgery.  And we know it will be months before mom has a prosthetic and so until then what does mom have?  what does mom do?

And the question they aren't asking . . . why is this happening?  Why is this happening to mom, and by extension to them?  Its not fair, that's for sure.

Olivia and I talked a bit yesterday and she said she was worried about transportation.  How was she going to get where she needed to go?  Imagine her relief when I explained that I only need my right foot to drive, and I am keeping that foot.  Silver linings all around!

So, school world and dance world and scout world and anywhere else where my kids may blurt out the dreaded "a" word (amputation) I am sorry I didn't give you a heads up.  But it is true, we are doing this soon.  So, if you could give my kids a little extra love I would appreciate it.  Thanks.


  1. Thank God for the RIGHT foot! You won't be skipping any taxi duty, lol. You are a great mom and fabulous human. I'll be right here to laugh, cry, sigh and gently tease you along. You've got this! 💓
