

Friday, October 18, 2019

Recovery Mode

Finally I am in recovery mode.  Been meaning to write for awhile but the pain meds had me extremely loopy for a few days.

Surgery went well.  There was fear that a tendon repair that had been performed last year would have to be cut again and I would be stuck with something called a snapping tendon.  But luckily, the tumor was only active in the lower half of my foot and last year's repair held.

I was really sad in the hospital.  It was so busy and crowded there.  29 surgeries starting at 8am.  I got teary eyed being wheeled into the room but the staff was very kind and gentle.  Two nerve blocks took care of the pain but after surgery I got nauseous.  They gave me some anti-nausea and then I could not wake up.  They kept trying to kick me out of the hospital because they needed the space but I was fully out of it.  Even felt myself stop breathing.  Like I was doing my yoga breath and I just knew I only needed two breathes a minute.  The poor nurse kept having to shake me.  "Come on Heather, breathe!"  She brought both my parents back to try to wake me up and my poor Dad was just like, "what am I supposed to do?"  She finally gave up and let me sleep and after another hour or so I was awake and ready to move along.

She was happy with my mobility in and out of the wheel chair and my extra large pants (to get over the boot).  I kept trying to tell her we did this all once before.

In another repeat from last year I am living on my mother's couch.  Once again, I got to feeling bad on the oxycodone.  Mom read off the side effects: headache, nausea, upset stomach, fatigue, constipation.  I got them all - except excessive happiness.  Don't know why I can't get that side effect!

So, now I am just rocking the Tylenol.  Would rather have pain then feel barfy.  If I can keep my foot up its not too bad.  If I try to stand for too long (like brushing my teeth) my foot really starts to complain.

I figure kids and I will live at mom's another week or so.  The Dr says I can put weight on this foot right away, but I need to be able to tolerate the pain and right now that isn't happening.  I need to be able to get kids fed and off to school before I go home, and we're not there yet.

So, just living on the couch.  Reading, sewing, and hanging out all day.  Trying really hard not to bother my parents as no one loves a permanent house guest who is literally good for nothing.

Was the surgery a success?  We wont know for at least 6 months.  Also don't know how big the incision is.  Everything remains a secret under the big black boot until my next appointment which is October 30th.

Thanks friends for your support.  Here are some pics of me freezing while I wait for my surgery and me and my big boot today.


  1. You and your family are constantly in my prayers. Love and light continue to be lifted in your name.

  2. Heather, thank you for sharing your continuing story. You have been in my thoughts - and it is good to know more - you are so brave (and smart) to rock the Tylenol - the side effects of the heavy duty drugs are not pretty. So glad to hear last years surgery on the tendon is still good and not affected! I can imagine how hard it is for you to be "couched"...but glad to know that you are keeping busy. And I am also glad to know that your mom and dad (and their couch) is nearby! Bless them and hug them for me. Here's a big all around long hug for you! Susan B

  3. It seems that you are navigating this challenge quite well, Heather, especially in managing the pain. You've got the parenting down! Hang in and keep resting. You know what to do...just keep going. I'm rooting for ya (along with the multitudes!)
