

Monday, October 14, 2019

New theme

How about my new header picture?  I love this.  My friend at church took this portrait of me and my left foot when we thought I was having it amputated.  Going to keep the foot for now and add the picture as well.  This is the fighter I want to be and it will be a long time before I can do this pose again.

Tomorrow is my surgery.  Think of me at 8am central time if you can.  I hope the doctor is successful in removing the tumor.  I think he might be but he probably won't be.  Like when I buy a lottery ticket and I think I might win but I probably won't.  This is like that.  But maybe this time I will win.

Either way I will be OK.  I love reading my Buddhist books and focusing on today only and accepting things the way they are.  That philosophy is just so helpful right now.   When my doctor told me this tumor was a chronic condition I just wanted to run away.  Amputation seemed like a good choice because then I wouldn't be fighting the tumor my whole life.  But of course, amputation is a chronic condition too.  There is no future without pain and suffering.  So it is important to simply move forward.

My Christian faith gives me hope and comfort but the Buddhist thoughts help my calm my brain, which is something I really need.

I am getting the last things done at home and the office.  We live 1.5 hours from the hospital so we will drive in tonight and stay in a hotel in town.  My check-in time is 6am so it will be an early day.

So, say a prayer and think a good thought and when I can I will get back with you and update you about how surgery went, what the doctor did, and how much fun I am having living on the couch.

Cheers friends!  Keep fighting!  Love, smile, laugh, and all good things.


  1. Prayers of course and rock that Buddhist practice!

  2. Heather, you are such a fighter (love the new photo!) And a realist, too. It will not be an easy road ahead...but you will have a Team of Prayer warriors sending up their best supportive prayers for you, your surgical team, your family and all those Angel's among us who will be at your side along the way. Here's a great big hug and a bundle of love and prayers when you need them (they are coated in chocolate, just so you will know they came from me!) I will be praying tonight and way early tomorrow morning, and often after that. Love and peace to you, susan b

  3. Saying a prayer at this moment (and each moment as it comes). You are embraced by Love��

  4. I am a Zen Presbyterian so I love your Buddhist practices. You will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers.
