

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Chemo Day

Its Chemo day.  

This morning mom and I went to the Cancer Center for my "Oral Teach".  This is when you meet with the pharmacist and the nurse to talk about all the awful ways your medicine will make you sick.  Nausea, diarrhea, rash, fatigue, and edema are the top hits for this drug.  Good times.  

My personal favorite is the part where they warn you not to let anyone else touch your meds.  And make sure you wash you hands after you take your pill.  Don't take your pill and then touch your kids. I'm serious.  Don't touch the meds and then touch anyone else.  And I'm putting this in my body??  Gah!

How long till we see if its working or not?  Maybe two months.  Mom asks how long I will be taking it and the answer is silence.  Crickets.  People who have Leukemia have success with this med.  We don't see many folks like you.  Welcome to rare disease land friends.  Finally the pharmacist suggests a year and then we look at surgery again.  They don't know.

We had lunch out at Jack Stack BBQ and that was my last rich, fatty, glorious meal for the foreseeable future.  Goodbye tasty . . . hello salads and water.  Tonight it will be a simple dinner with chemo for dessert.  Wish me luck friends!

This is what $11,500 worth of medicine looks like
I can't wait (sarcasm)


  1. Oh my! I'm soooo sorry this is now your story, but you are a really good story teller. I see a book in your future, seriously.

    Emily said she felt like writing a book back in 2014, her working title was My Trip to Crazy Town and Back in Ten Days.

    Tell Patty to take a clip board with her next time you visit your doctors... Leslie does this whenever she's the ombudsman for her family or BFF. They all say she gets all the information she's seeking when she's armed with her clip board! She scares the doctors.

    Hang in there, I'm up late you know, call or text, I'll always listen. Hugs and prayers, my friend.

  2. Yikes!!! We can only hope that you don't have to take this for a year and that you see results quickly. The cost of these pills for one year??? CRAZY! I am available to do anything for you EXCEPT for speaking in front of the congregation!I hope that you have a good night.

  3. Sometimes I blend my salads because I can’t stomach them otherwise. I freeze a whole box of kale and use frozen squash and plant based liquids and frozen fruit to make it taste good. In case you can’t stand to eat some days. Hope you tolerate the meds. And don’t feel too toxic. Prayers abound.

  4. When you get to take that chemo bag on an airplane, you'll get a laugh out of reactions! I like to roll mine up and then unroll it like a magic act.

  5. I am SO sorry you have to go through this awfulness. (((Hugs))) I pray it is super effective and the side- effects are not as awful as they sound. ������ Thank God for physicians and medicines, but I sure wish they weren’t necessary. ������

  6. Sending you lots of love and strength, dear Heather. <3
