

Monday, February 10, 2020

Finally Some Good News

Hey Friends - I am feeling better!  My Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Block that I wrote about a month ago was a bust.  I had a numb thigh for one day and that was it.  I do not recommend that procedure to anyone!

What has been successful is my physical therapy.  Rather then being an all out assault on my tender foot nerves, this has been a slow and gradual process.  Light touch through a sock, light touch without a sock, and a little more distress as tolerated.  I have had wonderful success with this and can now tolerate walking barefoot for short periods of time and sleeping barefoot (praise Jesus!).

Cymbalta is working well to keep my nerve pain in check and the anti-depressant aspects of the medicine have been a Balm in Gilead.  I feel so much lighter, happier, and able to move forward despite my chronic conditions.  I may need to add in Lyrica as my body gets used to these meds but for the time being things are stable.

What has happened is that my brain has been able to take the confused nerve input from my left foot and register it simply as someone or something touching that foot rather then as pain.  My left foot feels as weird as ever, and it always will.  It will never feel good to have someone touch that foot.  But, my brain now registers these sensations simply as left foot "new normal" as opposed to left foot "pain alert".  This is a tremendous blessing and an answer to prayer.

So, we are in a holding pattern.  My ankle is showing signs of the tumor's return which is no surprise, but it will be several months before that is confirmed with an MRI.  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as I have navigated these difficult months.  I am finally feeling good and hopeful and I will just cross that next bridge when it comes.  I am happy to enjoy my foot for these next few months as I am able.

Take care friends!